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10 Killer Tactics To Slay Your Competitors In Today’s Marketplace

Competition is getting stiffer with each passing day be it for clients or for attendees.

If you believe others can hear you easily in today’s competitive world, take a long breath, bro.

If you do want to beat the heat of your competitors, you need to do something different.

Following are the great ideas that you can use to slay your competitors in today’s highly competitive marketplace.

Figure out the strength of your competitors

Unless you know your competitors, you can never know whether or not you are better

This simply means that you will have to understand the strength, abilities and capabilities of your competitors, their target customers (audience), what services or products they offer, what marketing methods they are using, and how they are doing it all.

Know why and how you differ from others

If you offer what your competitors are offering, then the latter is likely to default to price.

No one will come to you if you don’t offer anything different to your competitors (audience).

So, when it comes to offering your services or products, you need to differ from others.

Search for an underserved group

There is an old saying: “The riches are in the niches.” Hence, you need to offer something unique in terms of your abilities and offerings. Best is when you know and understand your audience or customers’ needs, and what they are looking forward to.

Let me tell you that Starbucks did not invent coffee but it did brand a coffee-house and lifestyle experience into that cup.

Know and understand your audience

While planning to offer something different to your audience, you also need to know about your audience, their demands, needs, taste, and many more.

This is important for the following two reasons:

  • By personalizing your communication and offering them more valuable services and products, you can create a solid marketing strategy to get their attention.
  • By knowing who they are,  you can ensure whether or not your unique value proposition will appeal to that audience.

Make strategic alliances

Once you have found out your ideal audience and unique value proposition, you need to frame a solid yet effective marketing strategy to reach them.

You need to give extra value to your audience and/or clients by strategically aligning with companies or vendors that are involved in helping with the complementary services.

This will not only help you in increasing your services or products but also give targeted clients or audiences something your competitors have not so far thought of or tried.

Catch them off guard

People always want to do business with those who are trustworthy and known to them. The easiest way to develop trust is to say something they haven’t expected from you yet.

For instance, you can admit the advantage of one of your rivals such as saying, “If you are searching for an enterprise-level marketing event, Conference X will be the ideal one.

However, if you have a small-sized business, you must have something different. Someone who understands what you are going through. We are definitely going to be that ideal conference.”

When you admit something unexpected, like complimenting your competitors, that helps in establishing trust.


When you have known who your audiences are, you can personalize your approach to them.

For example, you can take advantage of personal research or demographic research on social media platforms to figure things out your target audience is worried about and interested in and create a catchy message that sounds like you had read their mind.

Your personalized message will help you in standing out from all of your competitors.

Don’t waste your time on bad fits

By familiarizing yourself with your ideal audience, you can also figure out who isn’t an ideal fit. Chasing an attendee or a client who doesn’t suit your needs is nothing but wastage of dime and time.  Recruit your preferred attendee, and do not concern about others.

You can continue to talk to your ideal client whether or not anyone else listens to you.

Ditch the sales pitch

Whether you are approaching the attendees or client, avoid the heavy-handed sales pitch of the nineties period. Rather, appear to be of more service. 

Help with essential resources, make your approach personalized, and be as much supportive as possible.

Enhance your website

Create and ramp up your website so that your target customers or audiences can easily find the information they are looking for. If your website is hard to navigate or has no information are the reasons that people will avoid contacting you. 

If they don’t come by the needed information on your site, they will continue to move on.


So, if you are determined to beat the heat of your competitors, you will first need to understand the needs, abilities, capabilities and marketing strategies of your competitors.

Let me tell you that there is no shortcut to winning big, rather you have to chalk out an effective plan. To make it possible, you will have to hijack their growth strategy so that you can accordingly plan and harness the power of your effective yet winning strategy.

Once you have done that, you are ready to launch your products and services. But don’t forget that you get to be different from your competitors whatever you offer to your customers.

After reading the article about the top 10 tactics that you can use to beat your competitors, we hope that you like to know more about the company that can help you through.

If you have any questions about how you can grow your company’s ROI, what strategy you need to follow and implement or need some experts’ advice regarding this, we would be happy to answer them in the comment section below.

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